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Your Network of Opportunity

Datgelu Enillwyr Gwobrau Busnes Blaenau Gwent

Cynnal Seremoni Wobrau ddydd Mercher 9 Mai 2018


Cynhaliodd Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Blaenau Gwent ei Wobrau Busnes cyntaf neithiwr. Yn y digwyddiad llwyddiannus cyhoeddwyd enwau enillwyr wyth categori busnes yn cynnwys Busnes y Flwyddyn.


Busnes Newydd y Flwyddyn - noddwyd gan UK Steel Enterprise: The Warehouse Hair & Beauty Supplies


Busnes Bach neu Ganolig y Flwyddyn - noddwyd gan Business in Focus: Atal UK Cyf.


Menter Gymdeithasol y Flwyddyn - noddwyd gan United Welsh: Gofal a Thrwsio Blaenau Gwent a Chaerffili


Rhagoriaeth mewn Arloesedd a Thechnoleg - noddwyd gan Thales: Canolfan Addysg Eden


Busnes Gweithgynhyrchu y Flwyddyn - noddwyd gan Sefydliad Gweithgynhyrchwyr EFF: Performance Masterbatches Cyf.


Rhagoriaeth mewn Masnach Rhyngwladol - noddwyd gan Conti Teves UK Cyf: Performance Masterbatches Cyf.


Busnes Manwerthu neu Wasanaeth y Flwyddyn - noddwyd gan Fforwm Busnes Glynebwy a Cartrefi Melin: The Warehouse Hair & Beauty Supplies


Busnes y Flwyddyn - noddwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru: Performance Masterbatches Cyf.


Dathlodd y seremoni wobrau lwyddiannau unigolion entrepreneuraidd a busnesau bach a chanolig seiliedig ym Mlaenau Gwent. Dathlodd rai o'r cwmnïau gorau ym Mlaenau Gwent. Aeth cwmnïau benben mewn wyth categori gyda Performance Masterbatches Cyf. yn ennill gwobr derfynol y noswaith - teitl pwysig  Busnes y Flwyddyn.


Dywedodd y Cyng Dai Davies, Aelod Gweithredol Adfywio a Datblygu Economaidd Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Blaenau Gwent:


“Dyma'r Gwobrau Busnes cyntaf i ni eu trefnu ac rwy'n falch i ddweud ei bod yn noswaith lwyddiannus yn dathlu a rhoi sylw i lwyddiant busnesau ym Mlaenau Gwent. Cafodd cwmnïau o bob maint a sector wobrau am eu llwyddiannau dros y 12 mis diwethaf. Bu dros gant o bobl o gymuned fusnes Blaenau Gwent yn bresennol yn y dathliad a gynhaliwyd yn y Swyddfeydd Cyffredinol. Llongyfarchiadau i'n holl enillwyr. Hoffwn ddiolch i'n noddwyr a phob busnes a gyflwynodd gynigion ac i'r rhai ar y rhestr fer. Edrychwn ymlaen at gynnal hyn eto y flwyddyn nesaf a pharhau i gydnabod llwyddiannau busnesau ym Mlaenau Gwent.”


Dywedodd Ken Skates, Ysgrifennydd yr Economi:

“Rwy’n falch i fod yn rhan o Wobrau Busnes cyntaf Blaenau Gwent a hoffwn longyfarch busnesau mawr a bach y cafodd eu cyflawniaadau a’u llwyddiannau eu cydnabod.


“Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau’n hollol ymroddedig i gefnogi twf economaidd ym Mlaenau Gwent ac roeddwn yn falch i gyhoeddi yr wythnos hon y byddwn yn buddsoddi £25m ym mhrosiect Cymoedd Technoleg dros y tair blynedd nesaf er mwyn hybu cynnydd y rhaglen bwysig yma.


“Yn unol â’n Cynllun Gweithredu Economaidd, bydd egwyddorion twf, gwaith teg a datgarboneiddio yn greiddiol i raglen Cymoedd Technoleg ynghyd â cheisio lledaenu ffrwythau twf economaidd i ardaloedd na wnaeth cystal mewn blynyddoedd diweddar.”


Dywedodd Mark Langshaw MBE, Cadeirydd, Bwrdd Ymgynghori Parth Menter Glynebwy:


“Ar ran Bwrdd Ymgynghori Parth Menter Glynebwy, hoffem gynnig ein llongyfarchiadau i bawb a ymgeisiodd, y rhai ar y rhestr fer ac enillwyr Gwobrau Busnes cyntaf Blaenau Gwent. Roedd yn noswaith ddifyr iawn, yn dathlu llwyddiant busnesau ym Mlaenau Gwent, ac roedd yn wych gweld cefnogaeth mor dda. Hoffem fynegi ein diolch i Lywodraeth Cymru a'r holl noddwyr eraill am gefnogi'r gwobrau ac i Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Blaenau Gwent am ei gwaith rhagorol yn trefnu'r gwobrau cyntaf o'r fath ym Mlaenau Gwent. Gobeithiwn y daw hyn yn ddathliad blynyddol o lwyddiannau busnesau ym Mlaenau Gwent.



Nodiadau i'r Golygydd


Categorïau Gwobrau


  • Busnes Newydd y Flwyddyn

Ar agor i bob busnes newydd (pob sector) a fu'n masnachu am lai na 1 flwyddyn adeg gwneud cais. Rhaid i ymgeiswyr ddangos sut y datblygodd eu busnes yn unol â'u cynllun busnes. Caiff llwyddiant ei brofi drwy i'r busnes a'i weithwyr gael dealltwriaeth glir o'u cynnyrch, cystadleuwyr a'r farchnad y mae'r busnes yn gweithredu ynddo.

Rhestr fer: The Warehouse, Candour Talent, Rooms and Views



  • Menter Gymdeithasol y Flwyddyn

Mae'r wobr yn agored i unrhyw fenter gymdeithasol seiliedig ym Mlaenau Gwent gyda diben cymdeithasol a/neu sail dim-er-elw.    

Rhestr Fer - Gofal a Thrwsio Blaenau Gwent a Chaerffili, Sefydliad Glowyr Llanhiledd, Ymddiriedolaeth Aneurin Leisure


  • Busnes Bach neu Ganolig y Flwyddyn

Ar agor i holl fusnesau Blaenau Gwent. Angen i ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus ddangos cyrhaeddiad ardderchog ac eithriadol ym mhob agwedd o'u sefydliad. Bydd y beirniaid yn edrych am dwf cryf (trosiant gwerthiant, nifer gweithwyr), cynaliadwyedd, arloesedd ac arweinyddiaeth yn ogystal â chyfeiriad strategol clir.

Rhestr Fer: Atal UK Cyf, PMB Cyf, David Spear Commercials, Clams Cakes, Buds to Blossoms


  • Busnes Gweithgynhyrchu y Flwyddyn

Mae gan Flaenau Gwent dreftadaeth gweithgynhyrchu rhyngwladol a chynhenid cyfoethog, yn cyfrannu at lefelau cynhyrchiant yng Nghymru sy'n uwch na chyfartaledd y Deyrnas Unedig. Mae'r wobr hon yn dangos dealltwriaeth o'r broses gweithgynhyrchu a phwyslais ar ansawdd, perfformiad gwerthiant, cynaliadwyedd, y gadwyn gyflenwi a buddsoddiad cyfalaf.

Rhestr Fer: PMB Cyf, Rooms and Views, Alpha Bio Tech Cyf


  • Rhagoriaeth mewn Technoleg ac Arloesedd

Nod y wobr yw cydnabod a dathlu cyfraniad busnesau i ddiwydiant drwy ddatblygu cynnyrch neu wasanaethau arloesol.

Rhestr Fer: Canolfan Eden, Alpha Bio Tech Cyf, Flame Protect


  • Rhagoriaeth mewn Masnach Ryngwladol

Gwobr yn cydnabod y gallu i gynnal twf, gwerth a chyfraniad allforio eich busnes.

Rhestr fer: PMB Cyf, Flame Protect UK


  • Busnes Manwerthu a Gwasanaeth y Flwyddyn 2018

Gwobr yn cydnabod gwerth a chyfraniad manwerthwyr stryd fawr a busnesau annibynnol i economi Blaenau Gwent.

Rhestr fer: The Warehouse, 360 Developments, Wilkins Foot Clinic


  • Busnes y Flwyddyn 2018 Blaenau Gwent

Cyhoeddir y prif enillydd ar y noswaith. Fe'i dewisir o blith enillwyr pob categori unigol.



Gwybodaeth bellach:
Nazia Akhtar
01495 357809
Sean Scannell
01495 355113
Louise Bishop

01495 356004


Winners of Blaenau Gwent Business Awards Revealed

Awards Ceremony held Wednesday 9th May 2018


Last night Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council held its first Business Awards.  The successful event announced the winners of eight business categories which included business of the year. 


Business Start Up of the Year – Sponsored by UK Steel Enterprise: The Warehouse Hair & Beauty Supplies


Small Medium Business of the Year – Sponsored by Business in Focus: Atal UK Limited


Social Enterprise of the Year  Sponsored by United Welsh: Blaenau Gwent & Caerphilly Care & Repair


Excellence in Innovation & Technology Sponsored by Thales: The Eden Education Centre


Manufacturing Business of the Year Sponsored by EFF Manufacturers’ Organisation: Performance Masterbatches Limited


Excellence in International Trade Sponsored by Continental Teves UK Ltd: Performance Masterbatches Limited


Retail or Service Business of the Year Sponsored by Ebbw Vale Business Forum and Melin Homes: The Warehouse Hair & Beauty Supplies


Business of the Year – Sponsored by Welsh Government: Performance Masterbatches Limited



The awards ceremony celebrated the achievements of the entrepreneurial individuals and Small Medium Enterprise (SME’s) based in Blaenau Gwent.   It celebrated some of the best companies in Blaenau Gwent.  Companies went head-to-head in eight categories with Performance Masterbatches Limited winning the final award of the night - the prestigious Business of the Year. 


Cllr Dai Davies, Executive Member for Regeneration and Economic Development from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council Said:


“This is our first Business Awards that we have organised and I’m pleased to say that it was a successful evening celebrating and highlighting business success in Blaenau Gwent.  The awards saw companies of all sizes and sectors awarded for their achievements in the past 12 months.

Over 100 people from the Blaenau Gwent business community attended the celebration that was held at The General Offices.  Congratulations to all our winners. I would like to thank our sponsors and all the businesses who submitted applications and to those who were shortlisted. We look forward to hosting this again next year and to continue to recognise the achievements of businesses in Blaenau Gwent.”


Economy Secretary, Ken Skates said:


“I am proud to be part of these inaugural Blaenau Gwent Business Awards and would like to extend my congratulations to businesses big and small whose achievements and successes have been recognised.

“As Welsh Government we remain absolutely committed to supporting economic growth in Blaenau Gwent and just this week I was pleased to announce that we will be investing £25m in the Tech Valleys project over the next three years in order to accelerate progress of this important programme.

In line with our Economic Action Plan, Tech Valleys will have the principles of growth, fair work and decarbonisation at its heart while seeking to spread the fruits of economic growth to areas that have not fared so well in recent years.”


Mark Langshaw MBE, Chair, Ebbw Vale Enterprise Advisory Board Said:


“On behalf of the Ebbw Vale Enterprise Zone Advisory Board, we would like to offer our congratulations to all applicants, shortlisted finalists and winners of the inaugural Blaenau Gwent Business Awards. It was a very enjoyable evening, celebrating business success in Blaenau Gwent, and fantastic to see it so well supported. We would like to express our gratitude to Welsh Government and all the other sponsors for supporting the awards and to BGCBC for an excellent job in organising the first award of its type in Blaenau Gwent.

We hope this will become an annual celebration of business achievements in Blaenau Gwent.”




Notes to Editors


Award Categories:


  • Start-up Business of the Year

This is open to all business start-ups (all sectors) which have been trading for less than 1 year at time of application. Entrants must be able to show how their business has progressed in line with their business plan. Success will be proven by the business and its employees having a clear understanding of their products, competitors and the marketplace in which the business operates.

Short listed; The Warehouse, Candour Talent, Rooms and Views



  • Social Enterprise of the Year

This award is open to any social enterprise based in Blaenau Gwent with a social purpose and/or a not-for-profit basis.    

Shortlisted - BG & Caerphilly Care & Repair, Llanhilleth Miners Institute, Aneurin Leisure Trust


  • Small Medium Enterprise of the Year

Open to all Blaenau Gwent Businesses.  Successful entrants will need to show excellent and outstanding achievement in all aspects of their organization.  The judges will be looking for strong growth (sales turnover, number of employees), sustainability, innovation and leadership as well as a clear strategic direction.

Shortlisted: Atal UK Ltd, PMB Ltd, David Spear Commercials, Clams Cakes, Buds to Blossoms


  • Manufacturing Business of the Year

Blaenau Gwent has a rich international and indigenous manufacturing heritage, contributing to Welsh productivity levels that are higher than the UK average.  This award demonstrates the understanding of the manufacturing process and emphasis on quality, sales performance, sustainability, supply chain and capital investment.

Shortlisted: PMB Ltd, Rooms and Views, Alpha Bio Tech Limited


  • Excellence in Technology and Innovation

This aims to recognise and celebrate the contribution that businesses have made to an industry through the development of innovative products or services.

Shortlisted: The Eden Centre, Alpha Bio Tech Limited, Flame Protect


  • Excellence in International Trade

This recognises the ability to sustain growth, the value and contribution of exporting your business.

Shortlisted: PMB Ltd, Flame Protect UK


  • Retail and Service Business of the Year 2018

This award recognises the value and contribution made by high street retailers and independent businesses to the Blaenau Gwent economy.

Shortlisted: The Warehouse, 360 Developments, Wilkins Foot Clinic


  • Blaenau Gwent Business of the Year 2018

The overall winner will be announced on the night.  This will be chosen from amongst the winners of each individual category.



For more information:
Nazia Akhtar
01495 357809
Sean Scannell
01495 355113
Louise Bishop

01495 356004


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63 results found, page 1 of 7.  
Blaenau Gwent; home of the Ebbw Vale Enterprise Zone